How to register in Court Software

If a lawyer gets error (as shown in above image) while registering on the e-filing portal, it means he/she is not registered in our Courts Software (CIS).
Please click on the following button to get registered in CIS (court software), after that you will be able to register on e-filing portal, it usually takes 2-3 working days.
Please note: you need to register only once here, your record will be updated in all districts and establishments in Delhi.
Register Here (in Court software)If you still face any issue in registration you may contact us on efiling[dot]regs[dot]ddc[at]gmail[dot]com
Lawyers! Get case updates on your mobile
A lawyer who has filed the Vakalatnama in a case and want to receive case update notifications on their mobile phone and email id can tag here with a case.
The lawyer will need to provide their mobile phone number and email id for each case separately through the link provided below
Tag yourself with a Case
What else you need to know;
Who can register
Only those lawyers whose Vakalatname is filed in the case, if the record does not match with Vakalatnama, your mobile no. will not be updated
How long will it take to update
This depends upon no. of requests received everyday, usually this may take 2-3 working days for updating your valid requests in the system.
Provide Case Details
You will need to submit case details in the form such as District, CNR no., Case no., Name of the Judge etc., if you have any difficulty in getting these details you may check here
Check Case Details HereProvide personal details
You will need to provide your personal details such as Name, Mobile no., Email ID, Bar Registraion ID and one Photo identity proof, all are mandatory
Which identity proof is valid
Any of these identity proof would be valid if uploaded legible and clear; 1. ID issued by Bar Council of India 2. PAN Card 3. Aadhar Card 4.Voter ID card,
What if I already get Updates
You have already done what is required, you do not need to register again in this section, your updates will not be interrupted.